Maintaining the paint on your car and preserving its value

June 24, 2019

For most of us, a car is a major investment that we want to keep in good condition to extend its useful life and preserve its resale value.  One of the drawbacks of living in our beautiful country, however, is that our vehicles are exposed to a unique variety of harsh conditions that can significantly damage our vehicles and cost us thousands in the long run.

Most of us are aware of the impact from local animals – birds and bats mark their regular visits as do the insects and bugs that are inadvertently drawn to the passing lights on our highways.  Such stains are highly acidic and could erode through any wax protection and paint in a matter of days, requiring a costly paint job to repair.

What might be less obvious, however, is the impact from the salt build-up as it is blown in from the ocean as well as sand, minerals and general dust and debris.  Such impurities are corrosive by nature and can lead to even more significant issues such as rusting, especially in combination with acid damage.

To protect your car properly, you should ideally wash or wipe down your vehicle using a safe cleaning method as soon as you notice any organic marks on your car.  Being attentive and vigilant is the best weapon against car molding and marks you may have missed, most experts, including us at WipeHero, recommend you get a complete car wash every 2 weeks using a safe and insulative method.

At WipeHero, we pride ourselves on being the experts in protective waterless washing.  We use a special set of cleaning products to fight against Australian conditions with each and every wash receiving a protective wax layer to preserve the exterior of your vehicle until your next visit.


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